Our team

Eero Janson
+372 517 4334
Eero is responsible for general management and development of the organization. He also leads the humanitarian aid branch and our advocacy efforts.

Madle Timm
Head of Communications
+372 5783 5266
Madle is responsible for our internal and external communications.

Helika Saar
Head of Advocacy and Protection Programme
Helika is responsible for the design, implementation and management of advocacy activities related to the work of the Estonian Refugee Council.

Kirke Piirikivi
Leader of social entrepreneurship Siin&Sääl
Kirke is responsible for planning and organizing the catering activities of our social enterprise Siin & Sääl.

Kristi Juurik
Head of HR
Kristi toetab töötajate arengut ning tegeleb uute töötajate värbamisega.

Laura Ombler
Head Of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Programme
Laura vastutab meie vaimse tervise programmi toimimise eest nii Eesti kui mujal.

Marion Tamberg
Head of Community Programme
Marion juhib kogukonnaprogrammi meeskonda ja kogukonna programmiga seotud projekti ettepanekute väljatöötamist ja elluviimist.

Mirjam Rennit
Head of Education and Awareness Programme
Mirjam vastutab meie hariduse ja teadlikkuse suuna tegevuste eest.

Veronika Saareväli
Head of Councelling Programme
Veronika vastutab Eesti Pagulasabi nõustamisprogrammi raames erinevate teenuste ja tegevuste kavandamise, korraldamise ja haldamise eest.

Angela Korela
Communications Specialist
Angela supports Pagulasabi's communication activities.

Christopher Ghaiath Almajdoub
MPC Technical Lead
Christopher is managing ERC’s Multi-Purpose Cash (MPC) Assistance Programme in Ukraine

Iryna Kovalevych
Toimetulekuprogrammi meeskonna juht Ukraina esinduses

Omar Alakhras
Head of Jordan branch
Omar heads ERC's branch office in Jordan and coordinates our humanitarian aid activities there.