Multi-purpose cash assistance in Ukraine (OCHA)

Provide timely life-saving multi-sectoral assistance to displaced and non-displaced persons, who are affected by the escalation of hostilities. This is done by providing war-affected populations, esp. those living in worst affected regions and internally displaced persons (IDP), multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) for the next 3 months (April 2022 - June 2022) in Zaporizhzhya and Donetsk oblasts, where our operational network is the strongest.
Within the framework of this intervention, we aim to provide MPCA to 12 000 individuals, targeting the most vulnerable: households with children, households with
members that have chronic illness/medical conditions, those who have lost their homes, whose household members were wounded, or who lost their main
breadwinner. MPC transfer value is 2220 UAH ($74), as per the harmonized transfer value agreed by the OCHA cash working group (CWG). Payment is made as
a one-time transfer for 1 month. The main transfer mechanism is through bank accounts, as long as the banking institutions are still functional. Alternative transfer
modalities may be used by the suggestion of the CWG partners if banking institutions happen to fail in the targeted regions.