Multi-purpose cash assistance in Ukraine (OCHA) II

The project responds to the need to scale up multisectoral response through the use of multipurpose cash to address the humanitarian needs of affected people in a holistic manner. This is done by providing internally displaced persons (IDP) with multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) for the next 3 months (May 2022 - August 2022). The assistance is targeted at Central Ukraine: Poltavska, Cherkaska, and Kirovohradska oblasts.
The programme aims to provide MPCA to 4000 individuals for three consecutive months, targeting the most vulnerable: IDPs especially the households with children, women and girls, minority groups, persons with disabilities and older people.
MPCA transfer value is 2220 UAH ($74) per household member, as per the harmonized transfer value agreed by the OCHA cash working group (CWG). The main transfer mechanism is through bank accounts, as long as the banking institutions are still functional. If banking institutions happen to fail in the targeted regions, alternative transfer modalities may be used by the suggestion of the CWG partners.