Setting up Mobile Advisory Groups for Treating Questions Related to the Studies of Children with Migration Background

During the project mobile advisory groups will be set up in educational institutions for treating questions related to the studies of children with a migration background.
The aim of the advisory groups is to raise the professional confidence of educational workers (school and kindergarten teachers, youth workers and the support staff) in teaching children with migration and refugee backgrounds.
The mobile advisory groups respond rapidly to the manifestations of xenophobia in educational institutions and also implement preventative measures.
The form of counselling activities (information days for teachers, students, parents; methodological consultations etc.) will be agreed upon with each educational institution separately and it will depend on their individual needs.
In addition to the individual advising sessions for the educational institutions and their staff we will organise 9 trainings for an entire staff of a school. These trainings enable schools that already hosts/are going to host a refugee child to gather their entire staff for a day to prepare them for receiving students with migration backgrounds.
The network of advisory groups will include different partners from public and the third sector depending on the needs of the educational institutions.