Knowledge exchange on refugee integration approaches between Estonia, Finland and Denmark

This project aims to build the capacity of the Estonian as well as Finnish refugee support and integration system through a knowledge transfer events involving partners from Denmark and Finland, to provide insight to and learning possibilities from the Estonian support system for the Danish and Finnish partners, and to strengthen cooperation between three refugee supporting NGOs in the Baltic Sea region.
Three activities will take place within the scope of this project: a study visit of Estonian and Finnish partners to Denmark to learn from their refugee integration system, especially their centre-based approach and their work with local municipalities and other local stakeholders; a study visit of the Estonian partner to Finland to learn from their refugee integration system, especially involving volunteers to such work and working together with local municipalities; and a two-day knowledge transfer seminar taking place in Estonia to bring the Danish and Finnish experiences with refugee integration to the Estonian stakeholders (NGOs, ministries, local municipalities) as well as sharing knowledge between project partners, with a focus on the setup of the integration support systems, practical tools and innovative ideas.
As a result of the project, Estonia as well as Finland are better equipped to respond adequately to issues raising from refugee integration obstacles, the Danish and Finnish partners have a better understanding of the refugee integration approaches and tools utilized in the three countries involved (cross-fertilization), and the three NGOs involved in the project have developed a deeper and long-lasting cooperation between themselves.